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Home Energy FAQs

Q Can I install a Home Energy System myself?

Yes and no. If you are competent, you can certainly install many elements of the system yourself, but you should take extreme care as solar panels strung in series can produce dangerously high DC voltages. We recommend that your installation is fully checked and signed off by a qualified electrician and certainly, any 240V AC work should be carried out by a fully qualified person.

Q Can I run my home completely off-grid?

Most properties can be run from solar panels & batteries alone, however, you would almost certainly need to make some compromises relating to the equipment you can run compared with a property powered from the grid (or partially from the grid). Physical space constraints (for fitting panels and batteries) and your budget will be the main factors in determining how much power you can harvest and store and, therefore, how much energy you can expect to have available. Speak with a member of our team who can discuss your needs and help plan the best set-up for you.


Can I use a generator with a Home Energy System? 

A Yes, some home energy systems will include a generator in case mains power is unavailable for an extended time. Some systems will allow the generator to be turned on automatically when the battery system reaches a low voltage





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Thursday, 22 September 2022  |  Craig
Home Battery Systems

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Thursday, 24 February 2022  |  Craig
Who are Victron Energy?

Today we take a look at Victron Energy and why you may have seen or heard about their range of products.


Disclaimer - The information contained in these articles is provided in good faith and we do our best to ensure that it is accurate and up to date, however, we cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss arising from the use or mis-use of this information or from any errors or omissions. The installer is ultimately responsible for the safety of the system so if you are in any doubt, please consult a qualified electrician.

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