Review of the Victron Orion TR Smart DC-DC Charger

20 September 2021  |  Paul

Today we will be reviewing the Victron Orion TR-Smart range of DC-DC chargers. These are the latest DC-DC chargers from Victron Energy and offer a solution for charging your leisure battery from your vehicle or boat engine's alternator.

The Victron Orion is available in two versions; isolated and non-isolated. The isolated charger has separate, galvanically-isolated negative connections for the starter and auxiliary batteries, whereas the non-isolated version uses a single, shared negative connection. You would require the isolated version when your starter and auxiliary batteries don't have an electrically common negative connection or where, for your particular application, it is preferable to keep them separated. For most vehicle-based applications the non-isolated version would be the correct choice.

Either 18A or 30A charge outputs are available and versions to support charging from either 12V or 24V alternator, providing you plenty of options for your particular application. The charger is small in size, allowing you to tuck it away neatly, and its Bluetooth function allows you to remotely change settings easily without having to get access to the unit itself, making it ideal for fit and forget set-ups. 

Using software to detect when the engine is running, this unit does not require an ignition feed or D+ connection (although you can use it), making it easier to install than many other brands. This engine shutdown detection feature enables you to fine-tune when the charger starts and stops so you can refine the way in which it operates to suit your system and application.

The Bluetooth app, whilst offering an easier way to change settings, can be somewhat confusing when first starting, however, by reading the manual and understanding the technical data for your batteries you can very quickly set the unit up to deliver the ideal charging parameters for your batteries. The App can also provide you with some insight as to how the charger is currently operating and can help our technical team when troubleshooting issues. 

We've had a number of customers purchase this DC-DC charger model already and here of some of their reviews:

For more details on our Victron Orion TR-Smart DC-DC Chargers or any of our other brands please click here.

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