6 way version of our popular fuse box comprising 2 independent positive busbars (e.g. for 1 permanent live busbar and 1 ignition-switched busbar) and 1 negative busbar:
- Positive busbar A - 1 x common busbar and 3 x individual circuits protected by standard blade fuses
- Positive busbar B - 1 x common busbar and 3 x individual circuits protected by standard blade fuses
- Negative busbar - 1 x common busbar and 6 x individual connection blocks
The two positive inputs can be easily and conveniently 'commoned' together using our Jumper Bar & Washer Set (product code P02090).
The multi-connection negative circuit is particularly useful for marine applications where the ground returns from each circuit need to be commoned for connection back to the battery -ve. Also useful in non-marine applications to keep all terminations neat and tidy and allow easy fault finding if you suspect a bad earth.
All common busbars have an M5 stud and nut terminal for connection. All other connections are via M4 screw terminals.
The cover is secured via a sprung rotary locking mechanism and incorporates two slots for storing spare fuses and moulded-in recesses to affix labels for circuit ID. The base contains 4 fixing holes for mounting the fuse box to a flat surface.
Accepts our range of standard blade fuses (including LED glow versions).
Sold individually with decal sheet (fuses not included)